Sitemap - 2023 - Journey With The Seasons Substack

A Meditation to Welcome the New Year

Finding Glimmers in the Cracks

Win a Creativity Coaching Session for the New Year

The Coming of Light

Finding Your Glimmers

Save the date! Winter Solstice Writing Circle 12/21

Embrace Your Glimmers

A Meditation for Compassion

Offering Each Other Compassion

When Life Gets Hard, Turn to the Trees

Call Out for Compassion

A Meditation for Transformation

Learning from the Leaves

Being with Sadness, Despair, Grief

Create an Autumn Affirmation

October is Time for Transformation

Finding Your Source of Renewal: A Guided Meditation

Making A Morning Offering

Renewal is an Ongoing Cycle

September is a Time for Renewal

Savoring & Releasing: A Guided Meditation

Getting Inquisitive about Savoring

Two Opportunities...Two Discounts!

Making Space to Savor

Look Up. Look Down. Savor

For the Artists Who've Helped Us To Grow

Gratitude & Growth

Let Yourself Rest

Signs & Symbols of Growth

Growth is like a sunset, a wildflower, a high tide...

The Crack in Everything

You're invited! Summer Solstice Writing circle TONIGHT

Radiance Within Us, Radiance Around Us

The Radiance of Celebration

Radiance, Pride & a trip around the Sun

Planting Letters, Love & Seeds

Save the date! Summer Solstice Writing Circle 6/21

Nothing but Blue Skies

Try a little tenderness

the ears of my ears awake

The entrance to the sanctuary door

Opening, Beauty & Even Awe

Finding Bridges, metaphorical and real

Awakening to Small Things

April brings Awakening

Finding Peace in Transitions

Welcoming the Spring Equinox

Anniversaries tap into memories, hopes, loss and dreams.

Throw open the window of your soul

A Return to Hope

'Let the beauty we love we be what we do'

A poem for self love. An invitation to craft your own

Midwinter is here. Light is returning.

Your Rejuvenation Meditation

Another way to share your writing responses

Winter Solitude & Shadows

Winter Doldrums: A Recipe for Replenishment

Winter Stillness & Energy Bursts

Winter's Calling: Time to Restore