Welcome Friend! Join our community of creative, contemplative spiritual-seekers!

Why subscribe?

 Increase the connection between your intuition and your outer landscape through Journey With The Seasons. Weekly creative writing prompts about the changing seasons will spark your imagination and deepen the connection between your inner and outer worlds. We humans are part of nature’s cycles and rhythms but so often feel separate and isolated.

Each Sunday morning, I’ll send you a meditative reading, expressive writing prompt and deepening practice for the week ahead. Give yourself time, space and attention to ignite your imagination and practice connection with the world around you. Five to ten minutes a week can nurture that connection and help you tune into your creativity and intuition through the week.

a journal with two feathers

Stay up-to-date

Each Sunday morning, you’ll receive an email from me.

You can read over morning coffee or save for later in the day or week.

Your weekly message shares a reading and a (suggested) seven minute writing prompt on a seasonal theme.

If you want to return to the prompt to go deeper, you can revisit it another time or two to see what else arises.

I’ll also share a simple practice to integrate into your week–something like looking for signs of beauty, growth or change in your landscape. Listening to music related to the season’s archetype. I’ll also include a guided meditation for each month.

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Join the community! Access for everyone

It’s my commitment that free subscribers receive full access to every public post and the Journey With The Seasons archives, full of prompts, meditations & more.

Paid subscribers get extra goodies! You’ll receive subscriber-only discounts to my live, online writing series, free admission to a Winter and a Summer Solstice live (online) workshops + receive accompanying workshop journals and you’ll have access to the comment feature on posts to share your writing and reflections in community.

There’s also a founding member fee for folks who want to support my creative endeavors! Founding members receive all of the above benefits–plus my infinite, eternal gratitude XXOO

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Writing Prompts & Spiritual Practices To Connect With The Natural World & Your Inner Landscape


Writer. Spiritual Director. Creativity Coach www.gabriellekaplanmayer.com