Hello Friend,
Happy December! The last month of 2023 is here. A month of celebration and light across cultures.
It can be hard to feel that light if we’re going through struggles or grief.
It can be hard to feel that light when we’re tuned into the chaos happening across the world.
It can be hard to feel that light when we’re pulled into the frenzy and pressure of commercialism and holiday expectations.
A wise teacher McCall Erickson reminded me of this alternative way to enter December:
Through December, let’s make this space one for seeking peace. Through the month, I’ll share creative prompts about noticing glimmers, your glimmers. The small moments each day that bring you a sense of calm and spaciousness. And maybe some joy.
Have you had a glimmer moment already today? What brings you that tingly feeling that all is well–even momentarily?
Pssst: It can be something really silly. Finding Odin’s Hanukkah pajamas from last year was a BIG glimmer moment for me.
Writing Practice: Set aside 5-7 minutes for this practice. Write in a journal or open a ‘Journey with The Season’ document where you can return each Sunday.
Prompt: We’ll start our month of noticing glimmers by writing our December intentions & prayers. Write your wishes for the month ahead, your hopes for the last month of the year. Express your gratitude & desires. Express your prayers for yourself, for your loved ones, for the earth, for people across the world.
Some phrases to get you started:
This December, I am seeking…
I feel thankful for…
I ask for…
May light come to…
May the world feel…
Place your December prayer/intentions somewhere you’ll see it as you start your day. You could adorn it with drawings, doodles, photos of your glimmers.
I’d love to read your expressions. Leave a comment here or email me your response at gabriellekm@gmail.com.
Deepening Practice: Start a glimmer journal for the month. Make lists of those little moments that break through angst, worry or struggle and bring you a sense of calm or peace. It might be a song you hear, an interaction, a moment in nature. Read through your glimmer list each night before you sleep.
Some extras I want to share with you because I’m feeling glimmery:
I’m going to write a Hanukkah Haiku each night of the holiday and share on my Instagram. Please join me if you feel inspired! Folks of all faiths and backgrounds welcome, we’ll haiku about the light (and darkness) in our lives.
Really excited for my upcoming Winter Solstice Writing Circle on December 21st! If you’re a paid subscriber to Journey With the Seasons, you’ll receive an invitation and zoom link…plus a winter solstice journal. No need to register. If you’re a free subscriber, you can upgrade your subscription or register here for this session.
My beautiful friend Jewels Cohen shared this poem that she wrote inspired by a photo and prompt in my November writing circle. It’s filling me with glimmers.I hadn’t even noticed the people in the photo! We need each other to share perspectives:
Can you see the tiny humans?
Dwarfed by the majesty of the ancient giants. Everything in perspective, we are so very small.
Mighty oaks, maples, sycamore - witness to our folly. Standing still and strong as we go about our little business like it matters so much.
Are they amused? How many generations have they watched scurry about? Entire cultures rise and fall as they stand, ever watchful, ever changing yet always the same.
Cleansing our air. Holding our space.
Bearing witness.
Jewels Cohen, November 2023.
Sending you much love & many glimmers, Gabrielle Ariella