Hey Friends!
One of my besties shared this photo with me from a hike she took last week and I wanted to jump through my phone into that flower field. It feels like the essence of midsummer, fertility and abundance and growth.
Welcome to each of you, friends who’ve been part of this community since January (six months ago!) and to new folks stepping in (all of the archives are right here for you) to this pause and writing practice.
This week, let’s imagine and write into signs and symbols of growth in our inner landscapes.
For example: someone sent me this quote (attributed to the Baal Shem Tov) a few days ago. I’d never come across it before and it resonated deeply:
That ‘falling and catching’ image feels like my experience of growth: the mystery of the process, how we can find unknown, deeper parts of our soul or spirit when we face hard stuff, how that process can lead to growth.
My visceral connection to the wildflower field and to this quote are the kinds of signs and symbols I notice—little messages that come at times when I need them.
What images, associations, feelings and energy from your week connect to the idea of growth?
Writing Practice: Set aside 5-7 minutes for this practice. Write in a journal or open a ‘Journey with The Season’ document where you can return each Sunday.
Prompt: What kind of growth/blooming is happening in the natural world around you? What life experiences are contributing to your inner growth right now? Who has shown up in your world to support your growth? (The ‘who’ could be people, animals, elements of nature, a text or book or piece of art, etc.).
Here are some phrases to get you started:
I feel myself growing when…
A sign of my growth is…
I would love to receive your experiences—please send them my way! Please share responses as a comment or email them to me at gabriellekm@gmail.com
Deepening Practice:
Make a playlist of songs that capture the experience of transformation and growth. Listen to your songs and return to the writing prompt and see what’s stirred up.
Here’s one of my favorite songs, David Bowie ‘Changes’ for some inspiration: