Hi Friends,
A new month has arrived with a new theme for us to explore: growth. The flowers, herbs and vegetables around me are full of energy and life. The late summer nights call me to go outside and find fireflies, just like I did when I was a kid.
Life is full of emotional and spiritual growth—but in those firefly moments, it’s my six-year-old self who is alive and vibrant and wants to come out and play. Recognizing and feeding our inner child, our creative spirit, our passions is an important part of growth, I think. Growth is non-linear, surprising, at times frustrating, slow to move, full of twists and turns.
Here’s my suggestion to warm us up, bring us into the landscape of growth.
Find a metaphor for your growth in this moment.
Here are some ideas to get you get started from the natural world. In what way is your growth like…:
a high tide
a garden
a bonfire
a bubble
a sunset
a tree
a field of wildflowers
a horse
the moon cycle
a pair of wings
a labyrinth
Play around. Let those metaphors sink into your imagination. Make a list of your own ideas for what growth feels like to you. Don’t hold back, even if it feels strange or disconnected. Pick one metaphor, it doesn’t need to resonate perfectly. Below is a writing prompt to get to know that metaphor and your own growth.
Writing Practice: Set aside 5-7 minutes for this practice. Write in a journal or open a ‘Journey with The Season’ document where you can return each Sunday.
Use any or all of the words above to get you started exploring your growth metaphor. Write them on your page and notice any words you connect to.
Here are some phrases to get you started:
My growth feels like…when it, because it…
What’s growing inside me…
Notice how you feel after creating your metaphor. Return to it through the week. I would love to receive your experiences—please send them my way! Please share responses as a comment or email them to me at gabriellekm@gmail.com
Deepening Practice:
Play some more with your growth metaphor through visual expression. Look for pictures of your metaphor, print or cut them out and make a collage. Put it in a place where you can see it.
Return to the prompt ‘what’s growing inside me…’ through the week.
I’m bursting with excitement to share this new 4-week journey with you! If you'd like to try one session as my guest, email me at gabriellekm@gmail.com. Writing With The Seasons: Summer Signs & Symbols is a space to explore summer’s metaphors and to express what it means to shine our light & know our shadows. A community of beautiful people is forming! Info and registration here. All sessions are recorded for your convenience.