Last week when I was away on vacation, I thought that Sunday, July 23rd was the last Sunday in July and so I sent you the guided meditation and prompt for our growth theme. It felt like the final Sunday of the month to me. Being in a different place and out of my routine made time feel different.
But alas: a few days ago, I realized that today is actually the fifth Sunday in July according to the calendar, the real final Sunday! I’m sharing one more prompt on the growth theme before we change it up next week…when it will be August (for real. I think.)
I was devastated when I learned that Sinead O’Connor died on Wednesday. I don’t remember ever being this full of grief for an artist, a celebrity, for someone whom I never actually knew personally.
She was just a few years older than me and a major influence when I was a young woman: her courage, her balls, her speaking out against injustice. She took on so much personal abuse when she used her platform to help women, children, everyone who was being marginalized and silenced in her country.
And her music rocks! When I heard the news, I went right to my favorites: Troy. Mandika. The Emperer’s New Clothes. I sang, I cried, I danced.
Artists whom we love and admire nurture us and push us to grow. I’ve been writing about Sinead these past few days. My offering for this week is to consider an artist, writer, musician…someone whose creative work has been a catalyst for your growth. Write into what they’ve given you, how you have transformed because of their creative work.
Writing Practice: Set aside 5-7 minutes for this practice. Write in a journal or open a ‘Journey with The Season’ document where you can return each Sunday.
Prompt: Make a list of 5-7 artists in all genres whose work has impacted you. Select one to write about. Describe what their work has meant to you, why it’s resonated, how it’s connected to your journey, why their creative work has contributed to your growth.
Deepening Practice: Whether you’re a fan of Sinead O’Connor or new to her work, read about her courage. Think about the injustice you feel called to speak out about. Do some action in her memory: write to Congress, give money to a cause you believe in.
It means so much to me that you’re part of this community! I’m grateful to you. Please invite friends to join us for August!
I’m sorry that you felt a sense of lost with the passing of Sinead O’Conner. Prince would be that artist for me.