Dear Friends,
Welcome to you this day, whenever you’re reading; wherever you are physically, emotionally & spiritually; whatever you are holding. Come in to this message as a place of connection, refuge and dreaming.
Today’s reading and prompt are inspired by my outer landscape. This week, Persephone has returned around me. Spring is vibrant and beautiful. That’s my dog Odin above, peeking back at us over the tulips. Here are a few more flashes of color from my walks through the week:

The dramatic change from a grey, barren landscape just a few weeks ago to this kind of beauty shifts my perspective and energy. Even with my worries, with my obligations, with my grounding in the reality of things that need to be done, these flowers draw me into their world, where beauty and the miracles of existence demand attention.
Reader Karen Fuhrman sent me this reflection on what she’s learned from the woodpecker and I wanted to share it with you. For this week’s writing prompt, we’ll consider, too, what we’re feeling and learning and growing from the landscape around us. First, Karen’s powerful words:
Share your comments, reflections or landscape photos each week here or email them to me at
Writing Practice: Set aside 5-7 minutes for this practice. Write in a journal or open a ‘Journey with The Season’ document where you can return each Sunday.
Describe something in your outer landscape that fills you with hope, awe or energy. Describe its colors and textures and the feelings that it evokes in you.
Then describe something in your inner life right now that feels magical, mysterious or hopeful. Tell about what it is, how it feels, when it’s happening.
There may be a connection between your outer and inner landscape, maybe not. Maybe not apparent.
Let your reflection sit, return to it in a few hours or days and notice whether you see a connection.
Deepening Practice:
Reader Amy Brenner Mitz shared her perspective on bridges with me in response to last week’s practice and I wanted to share her wisdom with you.
Return to that bridge practice and consider where your connections were this week.
One bridge for me this week—my first byline in the New York Times was a Tiny Love Story. I have a gift link so you can read it here, whether you subscribe to the Times or not. My words became a bridge because I heard from so many folks who resonated with my concept of love. This person took the time to find my email and make a connection with me:
I do believe that words can be expressions of magic and love. Keep writing with me!
Word of mouth is what’s growing this community! Every time that you share a post on social media or send to a friend, it supports my work exponentially. Thank you!