Hey my friend,
I will not pretend that the news of this last week, the onslaught of orders and cabinet changes and threats to vulnerable people and to our planet has not devastated me. It has. I can feel us holding moments of collective sadness, anger, despair.
AND…this last week of my life that’s gone by, the only life I have, has also brought experiences of beauty, joy and connection. A sense of inner strength. Sparks of creativity. I’m not willing to ignore those moments.
I’ve written before about glimmers: looking for small moments each day that bring calm and spaciousness amidst whatever’s going on. These are real experiences, powerful to give our attention to.
A week and a half ago, I had my first-ever opportunity to look at the moon through a telescope. That’s the full wolf moon that I saw–my phone took the photo through the telescope’s lens. Seeing the moon’s craters so closely filled me with awe. The world is vast and full of mystery.
Amother glimmer moment: When I heard Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde’s message at the National Prayer Service on Tuesday, I felt connection, admiration, gratitude, relief and hope. Her words, calm and with a sense of purpose, ignited energy in me. I wrote this prayer of gratitude for her, you can read the full prayer here.

Let’s notice our glimmers, let’s speak about our glimmers, let’s write our glimmers, let’s share our glimmers.
No one can take the ability to find connection, creativity & community away from us.
Writing Practice: Set aside 5-7 minutes for this practice. Write in a journal or open a ‘Journey with The Seasons’ document where you can return each Sunday.
Prompt: Start by making a list of glimmer moments from the week that’s gone by. If it felt like a very challenging week, it may be hard at first to recall any glimmers. Be gentle, take your time, you could begin by just writing the word glimmer until something emerges.
Pick a moment from your list and write out sensory details of what made it a glimmer:
What was happening? Who was there? When did the glimmer moment take place? How did it feel in your body? What made you pay attention to this glimmer?
I would love to read your expressions. Feel free to comment below or use the messaging app to reach me.
Spiritual Practice for the week ahead: Daily glimmers! Nothing’s too big, nothing’s too small. Offer gratitude for that cup of coffee, that conversation, the wind, your cat, a sunset. Keep an ongoing journal page of glimmers and take five minutes when you can to write more about one.
Wishing you a week with moments of hope, strength& plenty of glimmers! With love, Gabrielle Ariella
This is the intention igniting Winter Creativity Recharge!
I hope you’ll join us. ‘Journey with the Seasons’ subscribers special offer! Take $7 off registration fee with this code: EFYY8GNA
Scholarship always available. All sessions recorded for your convenience.