Listening to Intuition, Strengthening Creativity
Tap into your inner wisdom with signs, symbols & metaphors
Dear Friend,
I’m a lover of all flowers and I feel a divine presence in their pattern of blooming, the fragrance and beauty they offer and their dying and blooming again.
Of all the flowers in the world, I love roses the most. Maybe because they’re my birth flower (June) or their smell or how my grandmother grew them in her backyard (I do that too, now).
Two weeks ago, a close friend of mine turned sixty. I was picking up some wine to bring to her celebration and had a flash, I’ll get some roses for her.
When I walked into her home that evening, it was filled with roses! It was a casual potluck dinner but in midwinter, she’d chosen roses as a way to bring life and beauty into the living room. I offered her my bouquet and she integrated them right in.
After we ate, she went around the circle of friends and spoke about what she appreciated about each of us there and about our friendship and at the end of the night, she gave us each a rose to take home.
Mine is still blooming. That feels kind of magical.
I bought myself a dozen roses a few days later to add to the beauty in my home. (Liberate yourself! Buy yourself flowers! Life is too damn short!)
Back to that flash I had–the urge to bring roses to my friend that night. We could think of that as a coincidence.
But we also know that there are ways that we use our inner knowing all of the time to tap into our unconscious mind. There’s a deep knowing inside of us that a world that praises and rewards rational thought doesn’t encourage so much.
There was no exam for intuition back in our school days. But we can claim it now–and as a fellow seeker, I imagine that you already are.
It’s the second week of the month, so our creative prompts will spark you to consider signs, symbols and metaphors. Have fun with this writing! Your imagination and intuition may have ideas that surprise you. (You can read more about signs, symbols & metaphors here).
If you know someone who might appreciate this creative prompt, invite them to play.
Writing Practice: Set aside 5-7 minutes for this practice. Write in a journal or open a ‘Journey with The Season’ document where you can return each Sunday.
Prompt: Let’s brainstorm a list of signs & symbols first. Write whatever comes to your mind, don’t think too hard.
In the way that I shared that roses carry a special meaning for me (and I’ve written about cardinals, too), make a list of items from the natural world that hold special meaning for you. These could be from the landscape around you or from a different place/time. They could include animals, plants, stars, planets. List whatever comes to mind.
Look over your list and pick one item to write about. What do you love about this particular thing? What does it mean to you? How does being in its presence make you feel?
If you want to go a step further, try writing a metaphor about it:
Roses are like…because…
The ocean is like…because…
The evening sky is like…because…
I’d love to read about your signs, symbols & metaphors! Please share responses as a comment or email them to me at
Deepening Practice: Give the signs and symbols on your list a little extra attention this week. Notice if they appear in your waking life or in your dreams. Read over your metaphor and see what it inspires on a different day. Add to it. Creativity & intuition are close companions! The more we nurture one, the more the other grows.
Wishing you a week of much creativity, intuitive moments & abounding love! Gabrielle Ariella