Dear Friend,
You won’t see a cardinal in this clearing but a moment before I took the photo, it was there.
Two of them, actually.
I’d been walking, thinking of my grandfather and then my Mom, both departed. I was seeking guidance.
Cardinals remind me of my grandfather, who loved birds and listened to their songs. I had not seen a cardinal for months and then I turned and saw this clearing.
I noticed the two beautiful cardinals. I stepped closer, maybe too eagerly, and they flew away.
Whether those cardinals were messengers or simply there, inhabiting the landscape with me doesn’t matter. What matters, I think, is the pausing and the noticing. The making connections between outer landscape and inner world.
That’s what our Journey With The Seasons writing practice is about.
I’m glad you’re here friend. This week, we’ll explore of theme of clearing through Signs, Symbols and Metaphors.
Have you experienced moments of clearing (thought/emotions/energy) this week? The lens of signs, symbols and metaphors can help us to notice and animate those moments, noticing what they stir up inside.
A sign could be something you see like my cardinal–or something you hear like a song: that feeling when you turn on the radio to hear just the song you were thinking of or really need (yeah, even with streaming, I sometimes like to listen to the radio while I drive).
A symbol is different–it’s something that you choose to represent something else, maybe something abstract or ineffable. It’s that concrete thing that can nudge your intuition.
A symbol could be anything you choose.
For example, this week as I took my twilight walks, I thought of the changing sky as a symbol.
In January dusk, the barren trees reminded me of a bridge against the sky.
Every night, this symbol reminded me of things I’m holding that I hope to clear away.
Now…on to metaphor. Let’s have some fun associating, creating. playing.
Writing Practice: Set aside 5-7 minutes for this practice. Write in a journal or open a ‘Journey with The Season’ document where you can return each Sunday.
Prompt: What does clearing away feel like for you? What doe you associate with that process? Is it like having wings, seeing a path, crossing a threshold?
To get you started writing, try writing from these phrases and see what comes alive:
My clearing feels like…when it…because it…
In nature, clearing is like…
When I clear space, it feels like…
Looking in a clearing is like…
Notice how you feel after creating your metaphor. Return to it through the week. I would love to receive your experiences—please send them my way! Please share responses as a comment or email them to me at
Deepening Practice:
Play some more with your metaphor through visual expression. Look for pictures of your metaphor, print or cut them out and make a collage. Put it in a place where you can see it.
So excited for the group that’s forming for February–I hope you’ll join us!
Forget the ‘happily every after’ myth we’ve been sold. The magic and richness in our lives comes when things fall apart and break open.
In this four-session writing circle, we’ll read poetry about inner journeys, discoveries and transformations. We’ll write about the beauty of the cracks in our lives, inspired by Leonard Cohen’s ‘Anthem’, There is a crack in everything…that’s how the light gets through.
In the heart of winter, you’ll have the chance to express your dreams, hopes and what’s stirring inside you. I hope you’ll join us!
For Journey with the Seasons Subscribers, I’m happy to offer a $7 discount code/enter at checkout: efyy8gna.
Sending you a week of love & spaciousness! Gabrielle Ariella
Clearing feels like
Vast empty spaces
I feel swallowed up by
Like the Great Plains I drove across
Where the land meets the sky in a horizon you never reach
Like being on the Atlantic ocean at night
Where the sky and sea melt into each other in blackness that never ends
Every birth is a miracle
Every death is a miracle
And being swallowed up by empty spaces is a birth and death at once