Dear Friend,
On this mid-February morning, another wintry mix of snow, sleet and ice has disrupted my plans to drive four hours to visit my Dad.
My husband got Covid (just in time for Valentine’s Day).
Oh and my washer broke.
Postponing a trip, cancelled Valentine’s plans and a broken washer are annoyances, not significant problems. We can reschedule. We are able to invest in a new washer.
Thank goodness, my husband is resting and getting better. I feel so much gratitude for the vaccines that make Covid less debilitating (and potentially lethal) than when the virus first emerged a few years ago. Both my husband and I have salaried jobs with paid sick days, so we don’t have extra economic worry when we need to take time off to rest and heal. I know so many people don’t have that privilege (which kind of seems like…a human right?).
But every day when I read the news–which I do in a limited way–I feel the real problems, the significant assaults to vulnerable people, to my values and trust in democracy.
I worry for my children: one who is disabled and relies on Medicaid, one who is transgender and should be allowed to be who he is without fear. I had to take a moment and consider whether it was safe to have written that last sentence.
I am grateful–maybe more than ever–that I have an expressive writing practice.
We have to protect our energy, the source of our being, during good times but especially during challenging times. Expressive writing helps me to do that.
When I pour out all of the feelings, all of the rage, sadness, my hope and dreams onto the page, I nurture my spirit. My energy returns: vibrant, vital, ready to act from a place of love.
I am here today to whisper to you: do whatever practices you have that nurture and protect your energy. Your energy is sacred.
If one of those practices is expressive writing, I am here with you. Remember:
Creative expression is a form of rebellion.

Writing Practice: Set aside 5-7 minutes for this practice. Write in a journal or open a ‘Journey with The Seasons’ document where you can return each Sunday.
Prompt: Imagine your spirit, your energy as something which is alive and that you can communicate with, just in the way you do with any friend. Today’s prompt is an invitation to give your energy a little TLC, to check in and see what your spirit needs.
Write a little love note-maybe even a Valentine message-to your spirit. That source of energy that lives inside of you. You might think of it as your creative source. Have fun with this idea, don’t think too hard.
Here are a few phrases to get your started:
Hello Creative Spirit. I see you.
Remember how alive you felt when…
I promise to nurture you by…
How can I best protect you?
If your creative energy/spirit wants to speak back to you, you could write a dialogue! See what emerges.
I would love to read your expressions. Feel free to comment below or use the messaging app to reach me.
Spiritual Practice for the week ahead: Notice the cycles in the natural world around you. Observe when your energy feels strongest: morning, afternoon, evening, late at night. Check in with your spirit, keep the dialogue going. Take little moments to journal when emotions feel really big and overwhelming or your energy feels depleted.
Wishing you a week of noticing, protecting and nourishing your energy! Love, Gabrielle Ariella
Let’s create together!
I am thrilled to collaborate with my friend Cathleen Cohen to offer you a chance to explore, honor, and activate the spirits of the teachers, mentors, friends, and loved ones who have shaped your journey. Now more than ever, we need the wisdom of our ancestors, and creative expression serves as a beautiful avenue for this.
Open to folks of all traditions, identities & backgrounds!