Dear Friend,
How many things are you holding right now? In your heart, your brain, your body?
Have you had a moment to take a breath?
To rest?
To lay some worries down?
Today, I have gentle guided meditation for you about nature at rest in the winter. The meditation invites you to rest. Get comfy, get cozy. Take a few deep breaths. Listen to the meditation at the arrow above, then write about what you imagine.
Trees in winter could inspire our trust in rest, remembering how they will bloom again
Monday is the inauguration, then whatever comes next with the new administration.
One thing I’m clear about: I’m not giving up on justice and the potential for creating a more compassionate country.
We can call on our creative energy to foster resilience! Check out the powerful work of art above, created by friend Gari in response to last week’s prompt, called ‘Resilience’ as a great example of that.
I’ve put together an hour writing circle to join in community on Monday evening, to explore Dr. King’s legacy, ignite our imaginations and write together. It’s free! Join us to foster your resilience.
Respond here to receive the zoom link
Writing Practice: Set aside 5-7 minutes for this practice. Write in a journal or open a ‘Journey with The Seasons’ document where you can return each Sunday.
Prompt: You’ll find the guided meditation at the arrow above. Take a listen. What images and visions came up for you during this meditation?
Write about how you imagined yourself at rest and what feelings came up about slowing down.
If you struggled with the meditation, no worries. Sit with this question for a few minutes and then write: How would it transform your world right now to know that you don’t have to move at 100% energy all of the time?
Start writing and keep writing! Even if you write ‘I don’t know’ for a while, something else will come.
I would love to read your expressions. Feel free to comment below or use the messaging app to reach me.
Spiritual Practice for the week ahead: When you notice you’re feeling drained, overwhelmed or frazzled, take a few minutes doing whatever feels restful and restorative. It can be a little thing–making a cup of tea, taking a quick walk. We can resist the outer pressure that demands that we need to be on all of the time.
Wishing you a week of rest, resilience and (maybe?) some raucous joy! With love, Gabrielle Ariella
A Wonderful Group is Forming! Join the fun:
Tuesdays, February 4, 11, 18 & 25, 7:00-8:15PM EST/ $90
Whether you’re dealing with a creative block or looking to enhance your creative energy, you’ll discover fun and easy ways to spark your imagination and get those creative juices flowing!
Register here. ‘Journey with the Seasons’ subscribers special offer! Take $7 off registration fee with this code: EFYY8GNA
Scholarship always available. All sessions recorded for your convenience.