Looking through photos I took last fall to share with you in this post, I couldn’t believe it. That this beauty happens, this transformation of the trees is real. That they are green, then burst into color. Such a thing! In a month or so the landscape where I walk every day will look completely different.
Autumn is a season of change, a bridge between summer’s long days and winter’s dark nights. Autumn moves us towards the time when things sleep and also die in order to make room for new growth in the spring.
Today’s guided meditation and writing prompt invite you to ease into the change of the season and get curious about this question: What is it time to release into the earth?
Writing Practice: Set aside 5-7 minutes for this practice. Write in a journal or open a ‘Journey with The Season’ document where you can return each Sunday.
Prompt: You’ll find the guided meditation at the arrow above. Take a listen. What images and visions came up for you during this meditation? Write about how it felt to be in the woods with the trees, what you sensed. Write about any emotions, energy or patterns that you hope to let go of at this time.
If you struggled with the meditation, no worries. Sit with this question for a few minutes and then write: What is it time for me to release into the earth? Start writing and keep writing! Even if you write ‘I don’t know’ for a while, something else will come.
I would love to read your expressions. Feel free to comment below or use the messaging app to reach me.
Have a buddy who might like this meditation and prompt? Send it along!
Deepening Practice: Music helps me to feel and express my energy and emotions. Here’s a playlist of autumnish songs to listen to, welcoming the season. Please send me your favorite autumn songs so I can expand the list!
Wishing you a week of releasing and welcoming Autumn’s magic in all of its forms! With love, Gabrielle Ariella
PS: My new essay Chrysanthemums is all about grief, intuition, love and autumn.
Ava and I are re-starting our in person Inner Wisdom Moon Circles in October. Come play!