You can listen to today’s greeting & creative prompt at the arrow above. sometimes it feels nice to be read to!
Dear Friend,
A few years ago, my vision changed. After taking a medication to treat breast cancer for ten years (a medication that I’m most grateful was available for me), I experienced one of its longterm side effects: severe dry eye. I first noticed the change in my vision when I was driving at night and the headlights of oncoming cars caused total glare, obstructing my view of the road. It was scary.
During the day, I use drops to hydrate my eyes and my vision isn’t impacted at all. But I don’t drive once the sun sets anymore. The first winter of no nighttime driving, I was pissy–frustrated that I couldn’t get behind the wheel whenever I wanted. We humans feel entitled to so many things!
With time, I became used to asking a friend to pick me up if we’re going out. A nice exercise in interdependency. Hopping on a train or taking a Lyft car when needed works well, too.
The real magic that happened when I needed to slow down on dark winter nights–why I’m telling you my tale–was that I started to feeling really good, more grounded, calmer.
Who knew–I needed time to hibernate!
On these dark winter nights, I look forward to lighting candles, reading, catching up on movies and tv shows I missed during the year (watching ‘Slow Horses’ now, so good). I dream more (I mean, remember my dreams more).
Before humans had electricity, we followed nature’s rhythms during the winter months. As the darkest night of the year approaches, what are ways that you’re tending to yourself right now? Allowing yourself to say no to an obligation or two? Protecting your energy? The December holidays make their demands, but we can modulate them by taking some time for care.
Today’s writing prompt explores the ways that your body and spirit are calling out try a little tenderness.
Have a friend who is creative, contemplative or curious? Gift subscriptions to ‘Journey With The Seasons’ are now available at 20% off through December!
Writing Practice: Set aside 5-7 minutes for this practice. Write in a journal or open a ‘Journey with The Seasons’ document where you can return each Sunday. You can hear me guide you through today’s writing prompt at the arrow.
Prompt: I wrote out a few of the ways that I’m tending to my spirit right now on the graphic above. Write a list of little actions you could sprinkle into your December days or evenings to tend to your spirit. Feel free to borrow any of mine that resonate! List anything and everything that comes to mind…such as pausing to take some deep breaths.
Pick something from your list to describe, using sensory details. Write about how it feels when you engage in one of those small practices. What shifts or changes in your energy or mood? For example, I could describe how the soft fleece of my pajamas feels on my skin after changing from my work clothes and how that action helps me to feel calmer, more relaxed.
I’d love to read your expressions! Leave a comment here or try the messaging app.
Deepening Practice: Graphics help me to remember to take care of myself on busy or overwhelming days. Take your list of ways that you tend and write it our and decorate it with markers or other fun art materials or make a graphic like the one above (I use Canva). Place it somewhere that will gently remind you: tend to you spirit!
Wishing you a week of rest, release and lots of care. With love, Gabrielle Ariella
Save the Date! My annual Winter Solstice Writing Circle will take place on December 19th. When free ‘Journeys With the Seasons’ subscribers upgrade to a paid subscription, you’ll receive a free invitation as well as solstice journal to write in between the Solstice and the New Year.
Subscriptions are 20% off through December! Upgrade at the button below.
You can also register for the circle as a standalone event. Feel free to share & invite friends! Our gathering is cozy, festive & nourishing. Register here.

Ava and I invite you to our next in-person Inner Wisdom Moon Circle in December. On Sunday, 12/15, we’ll explore inner light and celebration. Info and registration here.