Taking Back Moments of Presence
Distractions surrounds us. Try the radical act of noticing your life
Dear Friend,
If I paused and thought of every single thing that distracted me over the last week–each interruption, disruption, ding, news alert, negotiation, discomfort–it would be daunting. You too?
How is it ever possible, living in this chaotic and turbulent world, to step away from distractions and make space for our internal world?
For imagination, spirit, creativity. Connection with our life force.
Being present in this condition of being a human is hard work!
I’m dedicated to it, though–I’ve written about this at length elsewhere–mostly because I’ve learned through the hard, shitty path of illness that my life is fleeting. And I really love and treasure this opportunity to experience this trip around the sun fully–to get to know my soul better, to explore my shadow. To grow. To love.
More than anything else, creative practice helps me to carve time and space for moving from distraction to reconnecting to the deeper part of my spirit.
And when I’m not actively writing, I try to notice the little signs and symbols that nudge and poke me, calling my attention back, reminding me that I’m here in what poet Mary Oliver called ‘your one wild and precious life.’
This morning I wrote a list of things that helped me to be present this week: a powerful dream, listening to bird calls, a couple of songs that I played on repeat like a trance, a difficult conversation with someone close to me when I needed to say some truthful things that scared me to say.
When I write, time expands. Presence deepens. I feel more alive and connected.
Today, let’s write about the signs and symbols that show up in your life, calling you to presence.

Writing Practice: Set aside 5-7 minutes for this practice. Write in a journal or open a ‘Journey with The Season’ document where you can return each Sunday.
Prompt: Write out a list of signs & symbols of anything and everything that helped you to feel present in your life this week. A sign or a symbol might include a song, a dream, a conversation. Something in nature you noticed–a landscape, the sky, a stone. Something that you ate or drank. An animal, a poem, a touch. Some kind of movement, running, swimming, a yoga pose.
Write whatever comes to your mind, absolutely anything, don’t think too hard.
Look over your lists and pick one thing that draws your attention or curiosity. Write about how that thing helped you to feel present. How and when it appeared, how it woke you up or shifted your energy. Write about it with sensory details—if if was jumping into a swimming pool, describe the feeling of water on your body.
I’d love to read your responses. Comment below or use the new ‘message’ feature.
Summer Creativity Recharge begins this Thursday 7/18! With some participants travel plans, we decided to move our circle ahead to begin this week.
Details & Discounts!
Wishing you moments of presence throughout your week! With love, Gabrielle Ariella