Dear Friend,
We live in a culture that tells us stories about how we should always be doing something. Be productive.
I’ve been feeling beyond overwhelmed by news, social media and the onslaught of executive orders dismantling things I care about: protections for vulnerable people and for the economic life and safety of us humans, and of the earth.
I discovered this week that I need to slow down. I need to find some stillness before I act. Before I doomscroll my way into giving up my power.
Music is one way that I get anchored and in touch with my creative life, my sense of possibility and purpose. Do you know this potent song, Gajumaru? A friend shared it with me just when I needed it (I love synchronicity); it’s my slow down and breathe song right now. Plus it’s got a great rhythm that makes me dance.
How are you holding up this week?
Human energy can become ungrounded when we’re scared.
Today’s creative prompt is an invitation to take a deep breath. To notice what you’re carrying. To find an element in the natural world that models stillness. To connect with that beautiful thing and find some stillness inside of you.
Writing Practice: Set aside 5-7 minutes for this practice. Write in a journal or open a ‘Journey with The Seasons’ document where you can return each Sunday.
Prompt: Listen to the song above or another song that helps you to feel calm. Find a comfortable place to sit and get quiet.
Imagine something in nature that embodies stillness: a tree, a mountain, a rock ledge, a seashell, a tiny pebble. It might be a bird holding still on a branch. It could be a ray of sunshine coming through your window just now.
See that thing in your mind’s eye and write down what it looks like.
Then write from its perspective, describe what the tree/rock/mountain sees and feels in the world around them. What do they notice? What do they hear? What do they want?
In our human-centered world, imagining the perspective of the still life surrounding us can open us up, expand how we experience the world.
I would love to read your expressions. Feel free to comment below or use the messaging app to reach me.
Spiritual Practice for the week ahead: Listen to music! Find stillness, find joy, find energy. When you feel overwhelmed, ungrounded, agitated, take a moment to breath, sing, dance. We will work together for justice; it’s gonna be a long haul.
You’ll find my playlist of songs that are giving me energy (many shared by writing circle members!) below. The playlist should be public so PLEASE add your own songs that are helping you feel grounded, creative, alive.
Wishing you moments of stillness, moments of energy, moments of love, Gabrielle Ariella