Dear Friend,
Poet Lucille Clifton’s short poem, The Lesson of the Falling Leaves, reads like a mantra. Listen to this beautiful reading of it:
The month of October, our first full month of autumn, finds us in the season of letting go.
It’s stunning to watch the trees do it. It’s hard for us humans to do it.
For me, writing is a process of letting go: pouring out memories, dreams, emotions I had no idea I was even carrying. Writing about whatever is haunting me. Seeing the words come to the page, living outside of me.
Expressive writing is one way that we can release what we’re holding onto so tightly. Stuck energy. Old emotions. Lingering junk that no longer serves us.
I am grateful to come to the page and write that shit out!!!
Through October, we’ll use Lucille Clifton’s words as guidance. We’ll imagine letting go is a process of loving each other, loving the world, and loving ourselves.
Maybe we’ll also find faith. Maybe grace. Maybe connection to the Divine.
Or maybe, feeling lighter as walk into autumn’s depths is enough.
Writing your October intentions
If you have a friend who might like to explore the month of Letting Go with us, invite them to join us!
Writing Practice: Set aside 5-7 minutes for this practice. Write in a journal or open a ‘Journey with The Season’ document where you can return each Sunday. You can hear me guide you through today’s writing prompt at the arrow above.
Prompt: For your blessing/intention/prayer for the month of October, start writing from your gratitude…get specific about the beauty, blessings, joy, relationships that are feeding your soul right now. Gratitude and challenges can live side by side.
When you’re ready, write about what you hope to release this month. Write whatever comes. Imagine the struggles or patterns that no longer serve you falling off like leaves.
Some phrases to get you started writing:
As the month begins, I’m grateful for…
More and more, I appreciate…
Like the leaves, I imagine these worries/challenges falling away…
I hope to release…
It’s okay to let go of…
Place your October desires/intentions somewhere that you’ll see it as you start your day.
I’d love to read your expressions! Leave a comment here or try the messaging app.
Deepening Practice: If you typed your monthly intentions, try writing them out again by hand. Take markers, pens, watercolors or pastels and add some color to them. Cut out autumns pictures that remind you of falling leaves–or collect some leaves from outside. Add to your October blessing through the month.
Wishing you a month of opening and releasing…of faith and grace and love.
All my love, Gabrielle Ariella

Ava and I are re-starting our in person Inner Wisdom Moon Circles in October. Come play! On Sunday, 10/13, we’ll explore what we’re ready to let go of and the dead parts of ourselves we want to release to bring in new life.