Dear friend,
Rumi’s words, penned over 800 years ago, resonate with what I’m feeling right now.
There is a dark, uncertain energy surrounding those of us who yearn for a more compassionate, equitable world.
And in this dark time, I continue to find moments of hope, that come from my practices: turning to the natural world, relationships with loved ones and creativity.
Today’s writing prompts offers you choices. Find the one that inspires you. Write about what’s giving you life and nourishing you.
Pouring what we feel onto the page is healing, science shows us that now. If you’re here, writing with me you know the power that words can bring to life.
We can turn to each other in this moment of holding both fear and hope. Share your words with me. Read them to a friend. Post them if you’re on social media.
Writing Practice: Set aside 5-7 minutes for this practice. Write in a journal or open a ‘Journey with The Season’ document where you can return each Sunday.
Read over Rumi’s words: “Faith, itself, consists of fear and hope … show me a fear without hope, or a hope without fear. The two are inseparable.” I suggest taking a few deep breaths and reading them to yourself several times. Don’t think about them, let them sink in.
Choose one or more of these prompts–or pick one today and you could return to others through the week:
Make a list of moments from your week when you had an unexpected, uplifting encounter. It could be with another person, with a part of nature or a moment in your imaginal world.
Write about an ancestor–a personal one, or a literary hero, an activist you admire–and write about why they give you hope.
Write a list of practices you can try for when you feel lost in the dusk. Any kind of action, from lighting a candle to dancing to calling a trusted friend.
Write some more about the world you’re dreaming of.
I am grateful you’re here and am always open to receiving your writing and thoughts.
Deepening practice: Keep an ongoing list through the week of ANYTHING that brings you hope. Words are magic!
Friends, finding a sense of gratitude has been a north star for me through many life challenges. Gratitude is a practice of resilience and hope.
I'm very excited to lead this creative approach to gratitude with Ritualwell. Although we'll explore practices from Jewish tradition, everything relates to folks from all faiths and cultures, and especially those of us struggling with gratitude in this moment. Join me!
I received my Spiritual Direction Training certificate from The Haden Institute. They provide amazing resources, like this recent talk on Post-Election Resilience" with Danielle Shroyer and Dr. Catherine Meeks