My friend,
We are down to the final days of 2024. These calendar year transitions are opportunities for gratitude, reflection and intention setting. That’s what today’s prompt offers you.
But first!
Help a girl out! I have created a real quick three-question survey for your feedback…help me to learn about themes you’re interested in for 2025. Find the survey here.
Folks who respond will be entered into a drawing for one creativity coaching session with me. During a creativity coaching session, we’ll explore your unique creative energies. Whether you’re facing a creative block or seeking to boost your creative drive, you’ll uncover enjoyable and effortless methods to get you going and the creativity flowing.

This end of the year creative invitation is not about making resolutions.
It’s about remembering: what’s sustained us this year, given us energy, support and hope. What breakthroughs we’ve made, small and large. Changes in patterns and energy. Connections. Transformation. Things we want to honor as we close the year, things we hope to release.
We can ignite our imaginations and see ourselves walking through an open door, moving from one year to the next. It might help to gather images of real doors or gateways or paths you’ve encountered this year as I did in the gallery above.
Settle in. Put on some calming music if that’s helpful. Give yourself some space away from your life responsibilities, take a little time.
This is your gateway, the one that only you can see.
Writing Practice: Set aside 5-7 minutes for this practice. Write in a journal or open a ‘Journey with The Season’ document where you can return each Sunday.
Prompt: To move through your metaphorical door into the new year, answer the questions below and pick one or two that really interest you to do some writing about!
In 2024:
I learned that…
I celebrated…
I cried when…
I traveled to…
I reached out…
I grieved for…
I remembered that…
I laughed the hardest when…
I was inspired by…
I came to see…
I released…
I would love to read your expressions. Feel free to comment below or use the messaging app to reach me.
Deepening Practice: Resist the need to change your life in all of the outer ways that our culture says we should do on January 1. Keep connecting with the natural world and your inner world. Be creative. Discover. Take photos. Write. Dance. Laugh. I’m excited to explore more landscapes with you in the year ahead!
Paid subscribers: If it’s time for you to renew your subscription soon, December’s 20% discount runs until the end of the month.
Free subscribers: When you upgrade to paid, you’ll receive the December discount + fun gifts.
Wishing you a year of creativity, curiosity & community! With love, Gabrielle Ariella