Dear Friend,
And now December is here. With the nights moving towards the darkest night of the year, I’m ready to get into my PJs by 5pm.
My energy feels a little extra low right now, thanks to the emotional rollercoaster of the election season and the anticipation of what dangerous policies may be initiated in the US come January.
My intention is to take time in December, in whatever little ways that I can, to take care of myself. To go to bed earlier. To read things that inspire me. To watch videos that make me laugh. To remember–we’re no good to anyone in our orbit if mostly we’re numb and exhausted.
I want to catch up with friends I haven’t spoken to in a while. I want to make sure that the folks know the ways that I appreciate them.
I want to be outdoors as much as possible this month, watch the unique patterns of December sunrises and sunsets, to walk even when I need those extra layers because of the cold.

I love holiday parties and gatherings and wrapping gifts and eating good food. But I’m honest with myself at this point in my life: I’ve gone through many Decembers in my adult life when the holidays were less magic and mostly about pressure. No more for me–no thanks.
We learn from nature that winter is a time for rest. I want to take that cue, slow down and savor the ways that I experience the light of the December holidays this year.
‘Care’ is our December theme. I think of creative practice as one path to care. Write along with me through the month and notice what happens when you pour out words, images, expressions onto the page.
Let’s begin by writing out our December intentions…calling out your gratitude, wishes and prayers is a way to care for yourself, the earth and those you love.
Click the arrow above & I’ll read you the writing prompt.
Writing a blessing for December
Have a friend who is creative, contemplative or curious? Gift subscriptions to ‘Journey With The Seasons’ are now available!
Writing Practice: Set aside 5-7 minutes for this practice. Write in a journal or open a ‘Journey with The Season’ document where you can return each Sunday.
Prompt: For your blessing/intention/prayer for the month of December, begin by writing out your gratitude…get specific and spill out about all of the beauty, blessings, joy, relationships that are feeding your soul right now.
Then write about how your energy is now and how you hope to feel at the end of the month. What are you seeking? What do you need right now to take care of yourself? What do you hope for? Get honest with how you’re feeling and go big with your desires–there’s no need to hold back!
Write about your hopes for the world, the ways you vision people taking care of each other and bringing light to the during the dark month.
Some phrases to get you started writing:
As the month begins, I’m grateful for…
My energy feels…
These are little ways that I can take care of myself…
My wishes for the world are…
May this month bring…
Place your December desires/intentions somewhere that you’ll see it as you start your day–and where you can visit them where you need some extra care.
I’d love to read your expressions!
Deepening Practice: Keep a list of little ways that you care for yourself. Jot those moments down in a journal or a Notes app on your phone. Then on days when you feel exhausted, down or just depleted, you’ll have that list to turn to.
Wishing you a month of deep care and great creative energy! With love, Gabrielle Ariella
Through the month of December, paid subscriptions to ‘Journey With the Seasons’ are 20% off. If you subscribe for free and upgrade to paid, you’ll receive free admission to my Winter Solstice Writing Circle + a Winter Solstice Journal. And in six months, free Summer Solstice Writing circle + Journal. Plus my eternal gratitude and deep appreciation for your support of my work!
To my paid subscribers: THANK YOU! You’ll receive an email from me on 12/19 with the Zoom info for the Solstice Writing Circle. It will be recorded so that you can also participate at your convenience.
Feel free to share & invite friends! Our gathering is cozy, festive & nourishing. PJS and warm drinks encouraged!