Dear Friend,
Our lives are always in transition. We move from sleeping to waking; from being hungry to satisfied; from feeling sad and lonely to maybe a bit hopeful. From freaking out to calming down. Human life!
If you live in a landscape with changing seasons, you see and sense March’s transition from winter to spring. The daylight lasts longer. Buds form on flowering trees. Daffodils burst through the hard soil. Birds return.
It’s a dramatic change throughout March in the landscape where I live: I go from daily walks with bare trees and icy gray skies to finding more blues and greens and pinks and yellows around me each day.
What helps you to get through transitions–the small daily ones and the more significant changes that you’ve encountered?
This month, we’ll dig into transition through writing a welcome to March, exploring its signs & symbols, getting deep with a poem and entering our imaginations through a guided meditation.
Transition can stir up our anxiety–but when we examine change, it can lead us to transformation.
Let’s enter the month of transition together by calling on our intentions and offering blessings. If you know someone who might like to join us for the month ahead, invite them to come along.

Writing Practice: Set aside 5-7 minutes for this practice. Write in a journal or open a ‘Journey with The Season’ document where you can return each Sunday.
Prompt: Time to write our March intentions & prayers.
Begin with expressions of gratitude–notice and name all that’s supporting you as you enter this new month.
Write out hopes for yourself, for your loved ones, for the earth, for people across the world.
Write about the changes that you notice in your outer landscape: signs of spring, changes in light and darkness. Write about changing feelings and energy coming up inside of you.
What do you yearn for this month? What are you dreaming of? What do you need to access to get through any transitions–large or small?
Some phrases to get you started:
I feel thankful for…
Around me, I see…
As daylight lasts longer, I feel…
I am dreaming of…
I hope that…
I seek help when…
May this month bring…
Place your March prayer/intentions somewhere you’ll see it as you start your day. You could adorn it with drawings, doodles, photos of the landscape around you.
I’d love to read your expressions. Leave a comment here or email me your response at
Deepening Practice: If you typed your monthly intentions, see what happens if you take them and write them out by hand. Take markers, pens, watercolors or pastels and add some color to them. Highlight words that feel most important to you. Collage images around them. Add to your dreams and intentions and noticing through the month.
A dear friend of mine, Bob Prischak, died a week ago. Bob was a remarkable human, full of love that he gave so generously to others.
I wrote and shared this poem about him.
Our lives are always in transition and one day each of us will experience the transition of our final breath.
May we hold each other in love, Gabrielle Ariella