This short poem by Victor Hugo showed up in my consciousness this week and said hello. It’s given me life and energy just when I needed it.
It’s really cool, isn’t it, how things we’ve heard or read or watched come forward at the right time?
A few years ago, I heard this poem set to music (composed by Abbie Betinis) The words and music together struck magic in me. Who hasn’t experienced moments when the world you know gives way beneath you?
It’s a short song, like the poem is a short poem. Here’s one version of it:
And here’s one more, equally powerful, if you want to listen again and let the words and music sink in:
So many things are crashing in the world around us right now, at moments I am struggling to find any steady branch.
Calling on our creativity is a way of remembering our wings.
Today’s creative prompt is an invitation to invite your creative spirit to play with Victor Hugo’s metaphor or create one of your own to carry you through the week.
Writing Practice: Set aside 5-7 minutes for this practice. Write in a journal or open a ‘Journey with The Seasons’ document where you can return each Sunday.
Prompt: Turning to the natural world, select an animal, plant or element that can be a symbol for finding your strength, resilience, spirit.
Start out with Hugo’s phrase: Be like a…
What comes to mind? Be like a tree…Be like a stream…Be like the clouds…
Next: Write a challenge your creature might face.
Be like a tree that’s bent by the wind…
Then: Use the ‘And’…’Knowing’ phrase.
And what does it do? What does it know?
and stands tall…knowing her roots reach into the earth.
Play! Have fun! See what comes to you.
Or…you could write a part two about Hugo’s bird. Where does she fly to next? What challenges does she face? What strength does she discover?
I would love to read your expressions. Feel free to comment below or use the messaging app to reach me.
Spiritual Practice for the week ahead: Every day, something different might give you your ‘wings’, your strength. Take a few moments through the day or before bed to journal about whatever it was that day: maybe the words of something you read, the support of a friend, a moment in nature. Offer thanks for that thing. As we pay attention to our wings, we strengthen our ability to fly.
If this poem, music or creative practice was helpful to you, please share with a friend!
Let’s Immerse in Creative Energy!
Now more than ever, we need the wisdom of our ancestors, and creative expression serves as a beautiful avenue for this. My friend Cathy and I have put together a series of creative exercises and prompts designed to help you express your love and gratitude for those who have profoundly shaped your journey and to summon their wisdom into your own life.
Open to folks of all traditions, identities & backgrounds!