Dear Friends,
A magical thing happened on Summer Solstice night:
In ten minutes of writing time, the folks who gathered online for our expressive writing circle traveled to Stonehenge and to the beaches of St. Johns; one person saw the world through the fertile apple tree in her front yard and another through the grounded roots of the oak tree in their back yard.
They brought whole worlds to life by igniting their imaginations and creative spirits with a little bit of time, much openness and abundant nurturing.
When we engage our creativity, we disrupt old patterns and awaken fresh energy. Our spirits feel renewed, alive. We make room for magic (maybe even mischief), miracles and blessings.
Kids play naturally but as adults, we have so damn much adulting to do every single day! (I won’t start to rant now–but if you take me for a coffee, we can kvetch on this topic for a good hour).
Plus we have those taunting voices that we’ve collected through our lives–you know the ones: they say there is no time for creativity or we’re not deserving, anyway.
Fahgettabout those voices!
On special nights like Summer Solstice, when ancient societies gathered and celebrated and tuned in to the rhymes of sun, moon and the earth, we remember that we’re part of nature’s cycles. That our energy awakens with each new day.
Your creative energy is here, waiting for you. Ready to play!

It’s the fourth Sunday of June so today’s creative prompt begins with a guided meditation. (New friends—welcome! This post describes our monthly flow of creative prompts).
Click the arrow above to listen to the meditation. Get comfortable.
If you have a friend who might be craving a little magic, mischief or summer beauty, invite them to play with us!
Writing Practice: Set aside 5-7 minutes for this practice. Write in a journal or open a ‘Journey with The Season’ document where you can return each Sunday.
Prompt: You’ll find the guided meditation at the arrow above. Take a listen. What images and visions came up for you during this meditation? Write about how it felt to listen to your heartbeat, what you sensed. Write about any magic, miracle or blessing that you asked for. Write about how it might feel to receive what you need.
If you struggled with the meditation, no worries. Write about a time or place when/where your spirit feels alive. Write out the things you want to release today. Write out your wishes for magic, miracles or blessings in your life.
I would love to read your expressions. Feel free to comment below or use the messaging app to reach me.
Deepening Practice: At times, we can all feel bogged down and drained. I have those moments daily! When you need fresh energy this week, re-read what you wrote today. Try the meditation again. Write some more. Notice how you feel after a five-ten minutes of creative time. What opens up?
Wishing you moments when you can put adulting aside and invite your spirit to play! With my love, Gabrielle Ariella
If you're seeking a fun, creative experience this summer, I'm starting a new series focused on imagination and expressive writing in July. Details here.
(Just for you: a coupon code for $7 off: EFYY8GNA)
With dusk stretching longer and fruits at their juiciest, midsummer is the ideal moment to delve into the pool of your creative energies. Whether you’re facing a creative block or seeking to boost your creative drive, you’ll uncover enjoyable and effortless methods to get you going and the creativity flowing.
Shy or hesitant? No worries. These are safe and loving circles and, although we are there to embrace however you express yourself, there’s never any pressure to share what you’ve written or what you’re thinking. All the info!